Read the Journal

Here I share my thoughts, theories, and experiences on personal development, and spirituality. Each post is intentionally written to inspire you along your journey.

Christina Christina

Why You Can’t Kill Your Ego

I couldn't shake the annoyed feeling I would get when a negative thought arose. I felt I had to fight each time in a battle against myself, why that negative opinion was wrong.

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Christina Christina

Why Ghosting Hurts

Getting ghosted can be painful for anyone, but having a father wound can intensify the emotional impact. We become deeply affected by the sudden absence of someone because they trigger an attachment wound, typically having to do with our relationship with our fathers.

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Christina Christina

Healing the Father Wound

Healing the father wound is a journey that many women embark upon, seeking to mend the tender places within themselves where their relationship with their fathers may have left lingering scars.

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Christina Christina

Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul

Often misunderstood as a period of despair and suffering, the Dark Night of the Soul is, in fact, a transformative phase that offers deep healing and spiritual awakening for those who traverse its depths.

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Christina Christina

How Do You Get Rid of Pain?

In a culture that often glorifies happiness and success while demonizing pain and suffering, it can be tempting to seek out quick fixes or distractions to numb our discomfort. However, true growth and fulfillment come not from avoiding pain, but from embracing it as an integral part of the human experience.

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Shadow Work Christina Shadow Work Christina

Understanding Shadow Work

The process of shadow work entails shining a light on neglected parts of ourselves, acknowledging their existence, and integrating them into our conscious awareness. By doing so, we foster a deeper sense of wholeness and power.

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