Cultesh™ by Christina Zayas

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Why Ghosting Hurts

Getting ghosted can be painful for anyone, but having a father wound can intensify the emotional impact. We become deeply affected by the sudden absence of someone because they trigger an attachment wound, typically having to do with our relationship with our fathers. A father wound refers to emotional pain or unhealed issues from a difficult or absent relationship with one’s father. This type of wound can influence your emotional responses, self-esteem, and relationships with men.

Here are 3 reasons why ghosting is worse when you have a father wound:


Ghosting involves sudden and complete withdrawal, leaving you feeling rejected and abandoned. If you have a father wound, it can trigger past feelings of abandonment or rejection associated with your relationship with your father. 


A father wound can create trust and attachment issues in relationships with men. When someone ghosts you, it can reinforce these insecurities and fears. It may make you question your worth, connection ability, and whether you deserve love and attention.


Ghosting may remind you of past experiences of feeling neglected, dismissed, or unimportant in your relationship with your father. These unresolved emotions can amplify the pain and make coping with the ghosting experience more challenging.

Dealing with the pain of ghosting (triggering old abandonment hurts) when you have a father wound can be challenging, but it’s important to remember your worth is not defined by how others treat you.