Cultesh™ by Christina Zayas

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How to Spot Your Inner Critic

What old stories are you still telling yourself? For me, it was that I wasn't enough or not doing enough. I would call these stories “not enough's,” and they ran my life for so long. It took time and patience with myself to learn I am enough and I am doing enough; in fact, I am doing all that I can and all I am meant to do at that current time/moment.

Sometimes we don't even realize these old stories are playing in the background of our minds, but they are and can destroy our daily lives and break us down. Or maybe in a less dramatic sense, they tear away at our confidence and our ability to fully show up as our authentic selves.

Today, I want you to take a moment to reflect and journal or jot a quick sentence or two down in your Notes app when negative thoughts arise. Keep tabs on the stories that come up for you throughout the day, and ask yourself, "Is this my higher self who believes in me and wants me to succeed, or is this my inner saboteur?"

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

P.S. You got this.