Cultesh™ by Christina Zayas

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Do You Lack Inner Strength?

Enhance your inner strength with these three tactics.

Inner strength means being strong and resilient when you face difficulties and obstacles.

You may lack inner strength if:

  • You have difficulty saying “no” to other people's unwanted requests.

  • You give up easily.

  • You are scared to make changes even if those changes are good for you in the future.

How do you develop your inner strength then?

  1. Brace yourself and be disciplined. If you have a task to finish today, be sure to finish it (even if you don't feel like doing it).

  2. If you tend to overeat or impulsively shop when stressed, try not to give in to that temptation the next time. Change how you cope with stress.

  3. Take deep breaths and choose a calm and logical approach when facing problems. It's a matter of not letting your emotions control you too much.

If you feel emotional, step back and calm yourself before taking action. The three steps above may seem easier than they are to practice.

TIP: Choose to start with one tactic first! Will you be adopting tactics 1, 2, or 3?

Want more juicy tips to be more resilient when facing problems?

Click here to book a 90-minute Soul Session.