Cultesh™ by Christina Zayas

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15 Journal Prompts for Self-Awareness

Daily Check-Ins

Do you journal or find it challenging to keep up your daily practice? I know exactly what it's like to find something you love, binge the fuck out on it, then miss a day and ultimately fall off your routine. Well, I'm here to help with that.

Did you know journaling is a powerful check-in tool, perfect for goal setting, introspection, and a beautiful way to begin your day or end your night? And daily journaling gives you the chance to discover new lessons from past experiences. To get you started or keep you going…

Here are my top 15 journaling prompts for self-awareness:

  1. Who do I desire to be for myself?

  2. If I was living my dream life, what would it look like?

  3. How have I been feeling lately?

  4. How can I obtain joy for me today?

  5. What do I require more of in my life right now?

  6. What am I most excited about?

  7. Three things that I am proud of recently:

  8. What lights me up or gives me energy?

  9. What dims my light or drains my energy?

  10. What am I grateful for:

  11. What things do I want to get done today?

  12. Five qualities I love about myself:

  13. What beliefs are blocking me?

  14. What new beliefs can I create today?

  15. Ten affirmations to support my new beliefs are:

Want to add any new journal prompts?

Leave them in the comments below, and I'll share them in the next round.